interpack: Imperative Event for the Packaging Industry
At the interpack in Düsseldorf companies of the Packaging Industry coming from the branches Food, Beverages, Confectionery, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Bakery, non-food and Industrial Goods meet every three years. The topic fields at interpack represent the entire supply chain from Production and Refinement up to Quality Assurance. Whether looking for innovative materials, customized solutions or creative concepts – at interpack you will discover a unique variety of Products while letting yourself be inspired by new visions and trends. Take the chance to extensively exchange Information at eye level and to get into contact with future business partners.
We stand for

Qualified Consultation
All members of the TEST Team are Specialists who like to manage the tasks assigned to them with success.

Shortest Completion Period
A flexible Team and a great Project Transparency are the basis for working efficiently and for coordinating your Projects respectively.

High Quality
Continuous Further Training Activities guarantee that your Projects are always carried out with Competence and maximum Quality.

Solution-oriented Communication
In case there might occur problems, let them be considered a challenge and a solution for handling them will be found as soon as possible.

Lean decision-making processes guarantee maximum flexibility. This is of high importance, in particular when realizing your Event!

We are your Partner for any kind and size of Project. Our long-lasting Client Relationships prove it, as you may see from our testimonials.